“Kindness is just love with its work boots on.”
— Anonymous
“There is a real possibility that I AM being Kind.”
As a child, I was taught to ‘be nice.’ You probably were, too.
And, as a child, that was an important first step towards learning how to get along with other people.
As an adult, though, I am learning that the co-creation of relationships involves so much more than just ‘being nice.’
In fact, I now realize that when I find myself ‘being nice’ I am doing nothing more than ‘tolerating‘ the other person!
You will know what I mean if you have ever had a conversation with another person and they did not react the way that you expected. And, you may have said to yourself ‘I was doing my best to be nice.’
Other people can feel when we are ‘trying’ to be nice. They can feel that we are not being genuine or honest…when we are simply biting our tongue to be ‘nice.’ They can feel our toleration. And, it does not feel good.
When we find ourselves involved with other people whom we feel we must tolerate – that’s a clue that we have not yet created a Strategic Attraction Plan™.
A Strategic Attraction Plan supports us in identifying — and then attracting — people who are a perfect fit for us…people who are the most supportive as we move towards the fulfillment of our B-All!
A Strategic Attraction Plan also supports us in raising our own energy, which means we are more productive, as we remember and acknowledge our own greatness and gifts.
For a short video message about the importance of creating a Strategic Attraction Plan in order to become an Attraction Master, CLICK HERE.
And, as we lift ourselves to this higher energetic vibration we stop attracting people who we feel we must ‘tolerate.’
We can stop ‘being nice’ and start truly enjoying all of our interactions with others!
Thanks for taking a moment now to share in the comment box below.
And here are a few tips to be even more attractive!
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1. Read Chapter 4 Chi-To-Be! Achieving Your Ultimate B-All’ or Listen to the ‘Chi-To-Be! Basic Series CDs’ for more Energy Surges and tips related to this Chi-Lift.[/ezcol_2third_end]
[ezcol_1third] 2. For an added boost of energy towards setting your goals, join me and other Attraction Masters on our Facebook fan page at:[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end]

3. Join the Chi-To-Be! Facebook group and/or the Chi-To-Be! LinkedIN group.
Chi-To-Be! Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/ChiToBe/
Chi-To-Be! LinkedIn group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3832296

4. Take the Short-Cut to ‘The Attraction Zone’. Watch my short ‘attractive’ video at www.BeAnAttractionMaster.Com
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Thank you, again, for requesting to receive these Weekly Attraction Tips…
Tools To Help You Transform From being a searchlight
into a Powerfully Brilliant Lighthouse!
Stacey Hall, L.S.H., C.N.T.C., C.A.C, C.R.T.S.
Success Coach, Speaker, Best-Selling Author
CEO, Chi-To-Be!, LLC and The Hall Institute of Intuitive Wellness
Why be a Searchlight When
You Can BE A Powerfully Attractive Lighthouse?
More Attraction Tips at www.chi-to-be.com/attraction-tips
Copyright 2010-2016 Stacey Hall and Chi-To-Be!, LLC