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Here’s your 11th Weekly Chi-Lift!…
Are you one of the majority who feels that their life is out of balance?
If so — GOOD!
A full life will always be out of balance.
The answer lies in looking at nature.
Would you say that Mother Nature is always in balance? Absolutely not.
However, nature is always in harmony with itself.
Each aspect of nature has a seasonal cycle…and when we allow our lives to be viewed from that cycle, then we are also in harmony.
This is why Tending To Our B-All Garden is Chi-To-Be! Energy Surge #3.
I invite you to consider each of your Goals as having its own plot in your B-All Garden.
Each Goal will go through each of the 4 stages of growth — Seeding, Sprouting, Blooming and Resting.
When viewed in this way, we can view our lives as having some aspects of the Garden at rest, some areas being seeded, some already showing signs of sprouts, and others in full bloom.
The growth cycle for some goals will be longer than others.
For some goals, we have to wait for conditions to be exactly perfect before we can begin to seed them. In other words, it may be years before the seeding can begin.
Other goals may be coming to completion.
Yet, they can all live harmoniously together in the same B-All Garden…just as tomato plants and roses can each have their own plot of land in your backyard garden.
The diversity of each of the goals each being in its own stage is what makes your B-All Garden so beautiful!
1. Read Chapter 3 of ‘Chi-To-Be! Achieving Your Ultimate B-All’ or Listen to the ‘Chi-To-Be! Basic Series CDs’ for more Energy Surges and tips related to this Chi-Lift.
2. Make a list of all of your Goals and identify what stage of development each one is currently in.
3. Consider what intentional activities you can schedule on your calendar to move each Goal a little closer to the blooming stage.
4. Utilize the Chi-To-Be! AChievement Guide as a guided mentoring tool in identifying what you want and intend to have towards the aCHIevement of your goals and B-All!
In addition to these Weekly Chi-Lifts, I encourage you to participate in the Chi-To-Be! conversation groups on Facebook and LinkedIN. Share the discoveries you experience as you implement these ‘intentional activities’ to empower yourself and to provide inspirations to your fellow chi-lifters.
The links to both of these groups are located to the right on this page.
Thank you, again, for requesting to receive these Weekly Chi-Lifts. The burst of power will be released to you as you implement these ‘intentional activities’.
BE Empowered — BE Powerful — Take Life By Your B-All!
Copyright 2010 Stacey Hall and Chi-To-Be!, LLC
With Joy,
Stacey Hall, L.S.H., C.A.C., C.R.P., C.N.T.C
Whole-Life Success Expert
Chi-To-Be! Author, Creator, Catalyst