"We need to know how we are feeling. Mindfully acknowledging our feelings serves as an 'emotional thermostat' that recalibrates our decision making. It's not that we can't be anxious, it's that we need to acknowledge to ourselves that we are.” ~ Noreena Hertz There is a real possibility that I AM making the most powerful … [Read more...]
The #1 Way to Get Your Best Night’s Sleep Ever
“A well-spent day brings happy sleep." ~ Leonarda Da Vinci I wish someone had shared Da Vinci's quote with me years ago. I would be much more rested if I had known what I know now...that believing I have spent my day well ensures that I will be able to fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly. This is the #1 way to sleep … [Read more...]
How To Keep The Happy In Your Holidays – Tip #5
We are told that the holidays should be a time of joy, happiness, and family togetherness. All that pressure to keep the happy in the holidays can also bring added stress, disappointment, and loneliness. One of the best ways to reduce the stress of the season is to spend time with supportive friends. So, I got together … [Read more...]