Clear thinking requires deep breathing. Do you believe this to be true? Researchers at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine conducted a study....and found it to be true. General respiration in adults is between 12 and 18 breaths per minute. Those who are in a stressful situation often take 20 breaths per … [Read more...]
Are you forgetting even the smallest things?
Are you noticing that with so much on your mind that you are forgetting even the smallest things? ⁉️ Do you walk in to the kitchen and then stop because you don't remember why? 😕 Stress can cause distracted thoughts. And it can feel like we are losing our mind. 🤯 Well IT'S TRUE! Over time, chronic … [Read more...]
Feel Like You Are Losing Your Mind Right About Now?
Any chance you can relate to feeling like you are losing your mind right about now? The joy of thinking straight. To think rationally and calmly. To stay focused to be productive. To walk into a room...and remember why. To keep track of where we leave things so we can find them again. I was talking about this with … [Read more...]