“Trying harder by itself might just make you a bitter, burned out business leader.” -- Dan Waldschmidt “There is a real possibility that I AM experimenting and playing to be more successful.” Have you ever noticed how often you use the word ‘try’ each and every day? Most people use it over and over again without ever … [Read more...]
If Life is all about the Journey, Then Here’s The 1st Step
“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” -- Lao Tzu I was introduced to Lao Tzu’s quote (above) when I was a child. And, I could barely wait until I was finally old enough for my ‘journey’ to begin as an adult. Yet, when I graduated from college and was free to start … [Read more...]
#2 of 10 Tiny Transformations That Create An Abundantly Prosperous Life
“It is much easier to have a positive and prosperous outlook when we feel free to experiment and make mistakes as we learn.” --Stacey Hall As I mentioned last week, during my early adulthood, I was often a negative person having grown up in a household that focused on what was wrong…instead of what was good in our … [Read more...]